Perpetual State of Travel —What the Soul Yearns

Travel? Bring it On

Venkataraman Mahalingam
The Lark


Short Sunday Ride dated 31st Jan’21. Location: Malshej Ghat, Photo Credit & Editing: Author & the amazing company

There comes a time when each of us needs travel; to feel exploration in our lives, and go through our versions of discovery.

Be it a spontaneous getaway, a detailed touring plan, or an unplanned detour.

Humans have always been in awe of travel, and always will be.
Explorers since way back then, and even backpackers now.

Howsoever we roam, wherever we may roam.

The chug and clack of a train as it pulls you away,
Its firm tug, as it begins barrelling away,
Station masked now by plumes of smoke, engine billowing onwards.

Bubbles from a ship, the rumble of its horn,
The sway of this Mammoth, as it leaves port.

Sail farther away from what was, towards what will be.

The heart flutters as you throttle, steadies while you cruise.
Wind longingly howls; while trees strangely sway towards you.
Hear the rustle of tires over tar,
A pull around those scenic hairpin bends.

Thrust from the ascent of a flight.
Acceleration pushes you back, your stomach drops.
Feel hyper-lapse. See time freeze.

Stabilize. Breathe.
This? Just the beginning of a beginning.

Cruising on my RE Bullet 500, Location: Mumbai to Alibaug, India. Photo Credit: Heer Khant, Editing: Author

Roads merge, roads fork, at times, if we may, roads trip.
Though eyes ahead, onward to adventure,
Beauty strays us off path.
Momentarily, focus falters to wander.

A breathtaking detour, a colorful off-road,
Interest piqued by fleeting glimpses.
Detour now! Lest your memory fails you.
Beauty burned into memory,
Alas! Not the details.
The sight now vanished; the path closed.

Vanished glimpses, lost chances, missed experiences.
We often remember yet forget.
This fading memory is an odd pain,
like a hidden memento, forgotten, then too late.

This journey has a route, yet at times we must waver.
Steer with your heart those times instead of your brain.
Now! Focus on the path, for there is much ground to cover.

Landing wheels protract like talons,
reaching out to touch and screech.
A gentle turbulence fighting balance,
Gentle descent to new skies you now breach.

Your first destination, first of many.
Hear brakes hiss as the body comes to a standstill.
And your mind follows shortly.

New Sights, Pune to Goa Road Trip. Location: Ganapathipule, India. Photo Credit: Author

This sight of a new city, a new country,
Aura of a different culture, new or old.
For a moment, this news is scary; then turns fun.

Slowly settling into your temporary new home,
A sense of belonging engulfs you.
Your inhibitions come undone.

A Comfort akin to standing on fresh garden soil
Toes, digging in. Petrichor in the air as you breathe.
The mind slowly calms,
the flow of the journey seeps in.

The night is upon you. You finally rest,
The mind drifts off, beckoned into dreams,
With only wild places to wander,
new destinations, new directions, new themes.

Courage, a word too modest as you embark on this journey.
Thrill, rush, excitement, all too bleak a description for this beginning.

Happiness, an understatement. Love, an oversimplification.

Detour. On my way home from a business trip. Location: Amber Palace, Jaipur, India, Photo Credit: Author

Authors Note:

This affinity for travel, this perpetual search for new paths. goes beyond the feeling of ‘Fernweh.’

Woah, please don’t stress about it.
I’m sure you love to travel just as much as I do.

I’m sure you, like me, break into prose poetry,
overflowing with indescribable love for the journey.

Not a competition. If you’re planning anything; and need a buddy,
Count me in. (and
maybe my Royal Enfield Bullet 500 too!)

© Venkataraman Mahalingam



Venkataraman Mahalingam
The Lark

I write to spark ideas, experiences and narratives floating about—Passionate about a good story, a fun plan & a fresh perspective—RE Bullet 500 is what I ride